Flame Paladin – Chapter

Chelsea turns and steps to the side. As Gina flies past her, Chelsea lifts her hand and brings it down in a chop on Gina’s back, pushing the flying meta downward and making her fly against the ground before she pulls up and turns to glare at Chelsea, who chuckles.

“You flying strong types always try to charge in like that. You’ll have to be more creative against me. Don’t you know that I fought Ultra-Woman and the Paladin every day for a decade? And those two women were much strong that you.”

“Shut up!” Gina launches forward, but before she reaches Chelsea, she shoots straight up into the air.

Chelsea watches Gina. “Hmph. Better.”


A fiery arrow launches away from Chelsea and Gina twists to avoid it, launching herself at Chelsea. As Gina throws a punch, Chelsea lowers herself and then raises her arm to deflect the attack, then smashes her fist into Gina’s chest.

Hovering, Gina watches Chelsea for a moment before she throws a roundhouse kick that Chelsea blocks with her arms, the force making her step back as Gina rushes in and grabs her hands. “No more of your annoying snaps!” Gina knees Chelsea in gut, making her gasp.

Chelsea raises an eyebrow before giggling, which makes Gina falter for a moment. “Oh, I suppose it is true that of the original 12 Paladins, I’m the one everyone knows the least about — and I like it that way — but to think that you didn’t even consider that I don’t need to snap my fingers to use my power. No,” Chelsea giggles again. “You’re very wrong.”

Gina yelps and jerks her hands away from Chelsea, shaking them as Chelsea flicks her wrist. A dozen spears of orange-hot flame spark into life around Gina, hanging the air as she looks around.

“Oh, look at that,” Chelsea says as she glances at the spears and then down at her hands. “You’re starting to get me heated all up. But you seem tough. I think I can let loose just a bit on you.” With another flick of her hand, the spears dissipate and then Chelsea lunges forward, slamming her fist into Gina and snapping her head to the side.

Grunting, Gina throws her own punch but Chelsea steps into her guard and blocks, sending a quick jab into Gina’s chin, making the other meta touch the ground as she goes on the defensive once Chelsea presses her attack with a barrage of punches and strikes.

Every time Chelsea connects, Gina lets out a yelp at the burn she leaves. Chelsea grins as Gina roars and presses back harder, the two of them exchanging blows at an inhuman speed. Gina flies back, putting distance between them.

She claps her hands together and a beam of energy shoots forward Chelsea, who rolls out of the way and gets back to her feet. “So that was what you were holding back,” she grins.

“Chelsea,” Brandi says through her earpiece. “I found them. This is the place. T-there’s…kids here.”

Chelsea’s grin melts away, replaced by a glare as she sets her sights on Gina. “You good?” She says with her hand to her earpiece.

“There’s a meta in here, and he’s keeping me busy while the others try to get their prisoners out. I already managed to cut off their escape, though, so now they’re holed up.”

“On my way.”

Chelsea glares at Gina, who shrinks under her gaze. “Normally, I’d acknowledge your potential and despite how you ended up in a life of crime, I’d offer you an opportunity out. But you’re trafficking people.”

Gina frowns, stopping her approach toward Chelsea. “Wha –”


Chelsea’s arrow of flame sends Gina a few yards away where she slams into the ground. Then she turns toward the guards. Chelsea flicks her hand downward.

“Ah!” Multiple scream pierce the air as Chelsea burns through the legs of the guards, having her fire arrow constructs shoot out at them.

Chelsea ignores the guards falling to the ground as she throws her hands behind her and then lets loose a propulsive blast, sending herself flying toward the building and then with a snap of her fingers she blasts open the door before her and she lands inside.

She snaps her fingers and sends a yellow-colored fire arrow to her right that cuts off the shout of a guard as it explodes and sends the guard into the wall. Chelsea turns to her left and starts to move toward the closed door before her when the wall crumbles and a man flies into the room, slamming into the ground and rolling.

Moments later, earth flows through the hole and then hardens in the form of a slide. Brandi glides into the room on top of the earth and then it flows around her, raising in the air and shaping into rock-hard arrows that hang in the air around her.

Chelsea stops and watches as Brandi, panting slightly, turns to the man. “Give it up already.”

The man, battered, clothes torn, and bruised, pushes himself to his feet and growls at Brandi. Then his eyes flick to Chelsea. “Oh, yeah? Will you be saying that if I have that girlie over there?” the man lifts off the ground, flying right at Chelsea.

Not moving, Chelsea watches the man, raising her eyebrow.

As the man gets within a foot of Chelsea, extending his arm toward her, a shape slams into him, knocking him off course and pins him to the wall. Chelsea turns to the man, seeing a shackle of hardened earth pinning him to the wall by his arm. While she watches, more restraints fly to the man until all his limbs and his head are all pinned to the wall.

“Not that she couldn’t have dealt with you herself, but I’m your opponent, big guy.” Brandi sighs. “I hate the tough types. It’s too hard to hit them hard enough to keep them down without killing them, and if you try to restrain them, they’ll be able to break free just by pulling hard and long enough.” Brandi clears her throat and pulls at her collar. “Hey, sis, you’re getting a bit hot…Chelsea?”

Chelsea stares at the man pinned to the wall, her face blank. She lifts her right hand, and after a moment, a yellow-hot flame sparks into existence above her palm. As she glares at the man, the yellow flame turns to blue.

Flicking her hand, Chelsea throws the ball of blue-hot flames at the man, whose eyes widen and he lets out a shout as the ball of fire explodes inches from his face.

The fire twists and creates restraints constructed from the flames around the man. The flinches at the flames but Chelsea ignores him as she steps toward the closed door before her.

“Chelsea?” Brandi steps toward her sister.


The door bursts open as Chelsea launches forward into the room. In an instant she’s standing the room, glaring at the armed guards in front of her, who stand before cowering young men, women, and children who are restrained.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Thrusting her left hand to the side, Chelsea snaps and creates a flame wall while throwing out her other hand and snapping two blue-hot fire arrows into existence.

Before any of the guards can react, two of them are blown into the walls behind them.

On the other side of her fire wall, gunshots ring out in the room but none pass the wall blazing between them and Chelsea as she turns, calling fire to her hand and creating another blue-hot shield in front of her as the rest of the guards recover and start to aim at her.

Bullets start to hit her shield as Chelsea rushes toward the nearest guard, grabbing the barrel of her rifle which starts to melt in her hand, and then she slams her other fist into the woman and then twists her and slams the guard into the ground.

Chelsea doesn’t stop. As soon as that guard is down, she moves on to the next, squeezing her hand on the barrel of his gun and melting into it as she grabs his face. The man screams as his skin burns and Chelsea slams him into the wall.

Moving on, Chelsea continues to rip into the guards, moving with near-blurred speed as she attacks them, leaving a trail of moaning bodies in her wake. Once the last guard is down, Chelsea turns to the blazing blue wall of fire.

Launching forward, Chelsea leaps into the fire wall, the flame parting and flowing around her as she reaches forward to grab the guns of the two nearest guards.

Yanking her right arm back, Chelsea slams her right foot into the guard, the force of her kick sending the woman into the wall behind her, while Chelsea turns into a roundhouse that flattens the other guard.

Without missing a beat, Chelsea kicks off the ground, closing the distance between her and the next guard in an instant. The man yelps as he fumbles with his gun, but it’s too late as Chelsea is there and with a few strikes the guard is down.

Chelsea’s arm jerks at a sharp impact a moment before a gunshot rings out in the room and a bullet clatters on the ground in front of her.

The last guard standing stares at Chelsea for a moment, her eyes wide. Chelsea launches forward, landing in front of the woman and then she slams a powerful punch into the guard’s face, sending the woman spinning into the wall.

Before Chelsea can do anything, the guard raises her gun and unloads the clip, each bullet slamming into Chelsea and making her stumble backward, only able to raises her arms to cover her head. Chelsea falls to her knee as the gun clicks empty and the last bullet falls to the floor.

Panting, Chelsea looks up and glares at the woman –

As Brandi knocks her out. Chelsea’s eyes flick to her sister, who walks toward her. “Cool down, sis.” Brandi sighs as she looks around at the fallen guards around them. “It looks like you didn’t char any of them this time, though,” she mutters.

Chelsea slowly stands but then groans. She takes a deep breath and then flexes her arms and hands. She extinguishes the wall of fire around them and then she turns to the group of people at the end of the room as the world dulls, her senses returning to normal.

Once the air around her has stopped shimmering with heat, Chelsea stands and swallows her spit, ignoring her growling stomach as she walks with Brandi over to the group. “It’s okay. We’re here to help. We’re going to get you out of here.”

Chelsea looks at the group of young men, women, and the children who are bound and gagged. Moving slowly as they watch, Chelsea kneels in front of the young woman in front of her, carefully pulling out her gag.

“You’re all metahumans, aren’t you?” Chelsea asks, glancing at the others as she frees the woman from her bindings.

The woman’s eyes flick between Chelsea and the guards strewn about the room, then she looks at Brandi. She nods.

Chelsea glances back at Brandi and then she turns back to free the next person, moving to a little girl and working to free her. “It’s all right now, okay? We’re going to get you –”

Suddenly, Chelsea’s head snaps up and then she gets to her feet.

Standing next to the wall is a masked figure, the person wearing a mask that conceals their face but shows their short black hair.

Chelsea thrusts out her hand, and then gasps as she sees spots in her eyes and her knees give out. Sucking in breaths, she watches as the person lifts their hand and the air shimmers, creating a portal that starts to move toward the metahumans who aren’t freed yet.

Gritting her teeth, Chelsea grabs the girl she’d just freed and jumps back with the girl in her arms. Gasping for breath as the portal rushes forward to swallow up the people in front of her, Chelsea thrusts out her arm and –


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Flame Paladin – Chapter 3

“You in trouble?” Chelsea asks, meeting Brandi’s gaze.

Brandi shakes her head. “No, not me.” Brandi takes out a folder and spreads out a few photos and documents. “I’ve been tracking a criminal organization, human traffickers. I think they’ll be moving some people tomorrow night.”

Chelsea slowly taps her finger against the table. “You didn’t bring in your people or the local PD?”

“No,” Brandi shakes her head. “It was just recently that I uncovered a mole in the department. As far as I know, these criminals could have bought people across all levels of government across the state – maybe even the feds.”

“The Paladins?” Chelsea takes another sip of her water.

“I’m not exactly working with my department’s budget at the moment, and I don’t really have the kind of money to just drop on hiring any of their security personnel who would be useful. And the big teams aren’t going to drop in to help on something like this. Not most of them, anyway.” Brandi sighs. “I…I just needed someone I could trust on this.”

Chelsea smiles and puts her hand on Brandi’s. “What do you need from me?”

“I can use some of the budget to hire on outside consultants, so I’ll make a request for you through the Adventurers Guild to give you a bit of legal cover, and then we’ll check out the addresses I have to figure out where they may be.”

Glancing at Chelsea, Brandi shrugs as she sees Chelsea raise an eyebrow.

“A member of the guild investigating places is easier to explain than me doing it without letting local PD know.”

“Hm, sure.” Chelsea yawns. “I’m going to turn in for tonight, then. You staying here?”

Brandi pushes her lips to both sides for a moment. “I have some more things to look into so I –”

“Are these things you need to look into tonight?” Chelsea asks and stands.

Averting her gaze, Brandi fidgets. “Well, I really should…um…” Brandi looks around as Chelsea starts pushing her.

“You look like you’ve been staying up too late all week,” Chelsea says. “Go sleep.”


“That’s a lot of addresses…” Chelsea mutters as she looks at her phone.

Brandi stops the car in front of a warehouse. “We’re not checking all those. That’s just to make sure that no one looks at them gets any suspicions. But here’s the first spot,” Brandi nods at the warehouse in front of them.

Chelsea puts her phone away and examines the building. “Doesn’t look like there’s anyone here. No guards or anyone outside. No visible lights. I’ll go take a closer look, though.”

Brandi nods as Chelsea opens the door and steps outside. She closes the door behind her as she approaches the building. Hm, no heat signatures around here. Chelsea spends a little more time searching the area and then returns to the car, sitting in the passenger’s seat. “No one’s here.”

“All right, let’s move on to the next location, then.” Brandi nods and pulls away from the building, heading to the next place.

They continue checking locations on Brandi’s list, driving by and checking each building.

“Hm,” Chelsea says as they approach the next building. “There are definitely guards around here.”

Brandi stops the car out of view from the warehouse. “Well then, let’s check it out and see what they’re guarding.”

Chelsea and Brandi step out of the car, and Brandi takes off her shoes, setting them inside the car before she closes the door. Chelsea follows as Brandi steps over to a patch of grass and steps on it with her bare feet before crouching and setting her hand against the ground.

After a moment, Brandi stands. “It’s a bit difficult to get a good feel around the place with all the concrete, but I think I can tell where they would be keeping any prisoners.”

Chelsea nods. “All right. I’ll give the guards something to focus on, then. Let me know if you find something.” Chelsea pulls out her goggles and puts them on, and Brandi nods as she also dons a pair of goggles and checks her earpiece.

“Right. I’ll get ready and I’ll wait for you to draw their attention.” Brandi breathes deeply, as Chelsea watches, her heat signature suddenly brightens as she draws energy from the ground at her feet.

Turning away after watching for a moment, Chelsea walks toward the warehouse, sinking her hands into her pants pockets as she watches the heat signatures of the people around her. Oh, it looks like they see me, she thinks as she approaches and sees sudden movement in her direction. Chelsea takes a deep breath, and the air around her slight quivers with waves of heat.

Moments later, three armed guards walk out in front of Chelsea. “Stop right there. What are you doing here?”

In Chelsea’s ear, she suddenly hears Brandi. “I’m in position. Ready whenever you are.”

Chelsea flicks her eyes between the guards. “I’m a member of the Adventurers Guild. I’m here on a request.”

The guards share a glance. “What kind of request?” The woman at the front says, the leftmost guard shifts and pulls at his collar, then wipes his forehead.

“Investigating. Possible magical beasts, that kind of thing,” Chelsea says.

The woman at the front turns away, her hand to her ear. After a moment she turns back to Chelsea. “There’s nothing like that here. You need to leave.”

“Forgive me for not taking your word for it. I have a request to fulfill, which means I need to investigate myself,” Chelsea says, not moving.

“If you don’t leave, we’ll have to show you out,” the woman says.

“Oh?” Chelsea’s eyes flick toward the right guard, who suddenly takes a step back, his eyes widening.

“H-hey, isn’t that –”


With a snap of her right hand, Chelsea sends a fire arrow at the rightmost guard. It explodes before it reaches him and sends him flying into a wall and makes the other two guard stumble.

Chelsea rushes forward as the lead guard yells and more guards approach. Before the guard can raise her weapon and fire, Chelsea is on her, smacking the gun to the side and then slamming her fist into the guard’s stomach, making her curl over as Chelsea sweeps her feet from under her.

“Ah!” The remaining guard from the group of three lets off a burst of gunfire, but Chelsea dashes to the side and then launches at him, slamming her fist into him and making him stumble back until Chelsea rushes forward inside his guard and flips him on to the ground.


Turning slightly, Chelsea unleashes another arrow of fire that explodes and knocks back an approaching group of guards.

More gunfire sounds, and bullets whiz past Chelsea, who stands and blasts forward, unleashing a propulsive, yellow-hot flame that sends her right to the next group of guards, who hesitate at Chelsea’s sudden appearance.

Chelsea tears into them, slamming her foot into the closest guard and sending her into the ground as Chelsea turns to the next, pushing his gun away from her and then smashing a palm strike into his solar plexus before she kicks at a third.

Stepping forward, Chelsea continues her attack, using quick strikes that bring down the guards around her. Chelsea lets loose another fire arrow and the last two guard standing are sent flying.

For a moment, Chelsea looks around at the guards, all on the ground.


“Chelsea,” Brandi’s voice comes into Chelsea’s ear.

Shaking her head, Chelsea puts her hand to her earpiece. “The guards are taken care of.”

 “It looks like this isn’t the place. There are drugs, but no people.”

 Chelsea frowns as she hears Brandi grunt. “Everything all right?” She walks toward the warehouse.

“Yeah… yep. I guess we should go ahead and get out of here.”

“Yeah, I’ll…”

The door in front of Chelsea suddenly bursts open and a female guard flies out of the building and rolls on the ground, unmoving. Chelsea glances down at the guard as Brandi walks out, and Chelsea can see that her heat signature has dimmed closer to its normal level.

“Let’s go –” Brandi stops and looks at the multiple groups of guard Chelsea took care of. She turns to look at Chelsea, who doesn’t have a single scratch and is not even breathing hard. “L-let’s go.”

The two return to the car and then Brandi moves on to the next location. They continue checking a few more locations until –

“Don’t stop,” Chelsea says as they approach the latest address that Brandi drives toward.

Nodding, Brandi doesn’t slow down as they pass the location, and Chelsea glances in the direction of the docks. Brandi pulls over out of sight a little way from the docks and then turns to Chelsea.

“A lot of guards. Probably a meta around there somewhere, too. And…” Chelsea looks at Brandi. “A lot people guarding something inside.”

Brandi nods and then stops. “You sure saw a lot …”

Chelsea grins as they leave the car, with Brandi removing her shoes. Brandi crouches by a patch of grass and presses her palm against the ground, closing her eyes a moment. “There’s definitely an underground room over there,” she says, standing.

Glancing in the direction of the building, Chelsea purses her lips. “All right. You investigate the building. I’ll deal with the guards again.”

Brandi bites her lip. “Are you sure? You said that there are a lot more of them…”

Chelsea pats Brandi’s shoulder. “It’ll be fine. I won’t let them do a thing.”

Nodding, Brandi sets her feet against the ground, and with a deep breath, Chelsea sees her pull power from the ground into herself, which is represented as heat in her vision moving from the ground up and coiling and condensing inside Brandi’s body. “All right. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.” Brandi takes off, moving with superhuman speed under the cover of the night.

Chelsea puts her goggles into place and then walks toward the docks. She keeps an eye on the heat signatures she can see patrolling the area, and just before she comes into view of the guards in higher positions, she raises her hand –


A blazing arrow of red-hot fire soars from Chelsea’s hand and blasts the gate in front of her open. She walks calmly as the guards are stirred into action with shouts as they run and search the area.

Chelsea flicks her fingers upward and unleashes a ball of fire, shooting it straight into the air above the guards as she continues to walk toward them, seeing some of them take notice of her and aim their weapons at her.

The guards flinch at the blazing mini sun that stops and hangs in the air above them.

Refocusing on Chelsea, the guards start to call out to her. Chelsea flicks her wrist.

The mini sun splits, launching dozens of fiery arrows that hover only feet away from each of the guards. Chelsea stops in front of the guards by the opened gate, who alternate between looking at Chelsea and the arrow of fire aimed at them.

“As you’ve probably figured out by now, if you try to move, you’ll be attacked by the fire arrow trained on you –“

“Shut up! Ah!” As a guard in front of Chelsea tries to aim his gun at her, a blast of fire shoots off the fire arrow in front him, burning through his weapon and into his hand.

Chelsea starts to say something when her eyes flick to the side and then she jumps back –


Unleashing a fire arrow, Chelsea’s attack hits a figure soaring toward her, and with a grunt, the figure veers off course, crashing and rolling on the ground. Chelsea turns toward the rising person to see a pale-skinned, blonde woman.


Chelsea turns back to the guards to see another holding her hand. “I wouldn’t try anything,” Chelsea says. “I don’t have to look at you to control them.”

“You can’t keep this up forever,” the lead guard tells her.

Chelsea shrugs. “Don’t have to. Besides, at the snap of my fingers,” she snaps and the guards flinch as an arrow of flame flies from her fingers and explodes in front of the blonde woman, sending her rolling until she stops. “Every guard in this place would have an additional hole in their body. So, be quiet a moment.” Chelsea turns to the woman who is now hovering a foot of the ground in front of her. So there was a meta.

“Gina is going to rip you apart!” Someone says.

Chelsea raises an eyebrow as Gina launches forward with a yell.

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Flame Paladin – Chapter 2: Metahuman

As Nia closes in, Chelsea dances to the side and with a snap she launches a fire arrow. The attack splashes against Nia’s leg as the woman charges at Chelsea again. Heat resistant, huh?

Chelsea dashes forward, slipping to the side of Nia’s punch and throwing her own punch, fist engulfed in orange flames, that slams into the giant’s chest, making Nia stumble back, eyes wide. Nia throws another punch and Chelsea ducks out of the way, dancing back.

“Let’s see how resistant you are.” Left hand out, Chelsea snaps her fingers and a wall of fire flares into existence between herself and Nia. Chelsea dashes to the side as Nia roars and charges through the fire. Jumping off the railing, Chelsea leaps into the air, twisting as a points her hand in a finger gun, a ball of flame forming and condensing, the orange flames burning until they turn yellow and she fires a yellow-hot beam of flame.

The beam burns through Nia’s leg, making her let out a cry as she falls onto her knee. Chelsea lands –

“Oof!” Pain spikes through Chelsea’s face and she’s flung into the wall from the force of the impact. As she gets to her feet, Chelsea faces a large, gorilla-like magical beast. “You weren’t even camouflaged…” Chelsea shakes her head. Can’t let myself get distracted like that, she says while glancing at Nia, who grips her injured leg.  


A white-hot arrow of fire burns through the magical beast’s head and fells it. Chelsea rolls her shoulder as she quickly sweeps the room with her eyes and then turns toward Nia and the other woman, who still stands near the doorway, watching.

The woman in the back sighs. “So that’s who you are. Of course they sent in a Paladin. Keep her busy, Nia. Don’t make her angry, or she could burn everything here to a crisp.”

Nia grits her teeth as the woman turns to hurry out the room.

“She’s wrong, you know,” Chelsea says as she stops in front of Nia. “I’m not a Paladin.” And I doubt you could make me angry enough to burn everything to crisp and lose the reward for this job… “Oh, I suppose I shouldn’t let her get away.”


A wall of flame appears in front of the woman rushing, and she skitters to a stop.

The woman sighs. “Nia, I said keep Snap-Flare –”


“My name,” Chelsea says as a blue-hot arrow slams into the woman’s holster and rips her gun away from her hip. “Is Chelsea. I don’t believe I caught yours.”

Nia grunts and then lunges into a punch. Chelsea ducks and then reaches up to grab Nia’s arm, making her shout and snatch her arm back, clutching it to her chest.

“You should’ve tried harder to pummel me before. Now that I’m this fired up, you’ll need to hit harder, and be more heat resistant.” Chelsea turns back to the other woman, who wipes sweat off her brow. “So, that’s Nia. What’s your name, and what were you doing here?”

Clenching her jaw, the woman pushes up her glasses. “N-Natalia.”

“So what is it you were doing here –”

Chelsea suddenly twists as she turns around and she thrusts up her left hand, snapping her fingers and another wall of flame flares into existence.

Shuffling to the side, Chelsea sees a hole punched through the wall and a spear of water hits the ground where she was moments earlier.

Without hesitating, Chelsea sends a fire arrow through the hole with a snap of her fingers. Another newcomer?

Moments later, in the air around Chelsea, icicles form, hovering before they launch toward her. Chelsea crouches and smacks the ground. A dome of fire flares into existence and surrounds her and the icicles melt and sizzle against Chelsea’s flames as they come down.

The wall of fire Chelsea just put up is sliced through and extinguished. A person wearing a full-body suit and mask, leaving only their long hair visible. The suit is well-fitting and shows the woman’s shape and size as she approaches Nia.

As a bullet of fire shoots from Chelsea’s dome, the woman jumps back, pulling water out of the air to form a circular shield that starts to steam at the impact. A barrage of the flame bullets pour forth, and the woman spreads her water shield, covering herself and Nia to defend against Chelsea’s onslaught.

A moment later, Chelsea bursts forward, the dome of flames flowing into a ball in front of Chelsea that she blasts forward. The masked woman jumps to the side as Chelsea’s ball of fire turns her wall of water to steam and passes through it.

Chelsea jerks her hand, and the ball of fire stops and then redirects, shooting right for the masked woman. The woman shoots a ball of water that extinguishes the fireball and then she creates a whip of water –

Snap. Snap.

Chelsea unleashes two fire arrows. The woman coils the water whip she just created into a shield that blocks the first arrow, but the impact knocks her back and the second arrow –

“Ah!” Nia, dripping sweat and sucking in breaths, lets out a yell as she steps in front of the masked woman and takes the second fire arrow. The large woman grabs a magical beast corpse and launches it at Chelsea, who dives to the side, panting.

If I keep fighting like this, those three may actually end up cooked. Chelsea looks between Nia and the other woman, who launches a spear of water.

Chelsea launches forward with a propulsive burst from her hands, sending a fire arrow at the masked woman with a snap of her fingers. Landing, Chelsea swings her leg in a roundhouse kick that Nia blocks, but the force of the impact sends Nia into the wall.

Steam suddenly rises from Chelsea’s arm. She looks down to find a tentacle of water wrapped around her wrist, sending steam into the air. Chelsea aims a finger gun at the woman, and fire ignites in front of her finger. After a moment it swirls and then fires forward as a beam.

The woman in the mask narrowly dodges the beam as she runs forward, but Chelsea uses a propulsive bursts to send herself upward toward Natalie, who has moved away from the wall of fire in her way.

Before Chelsea reaches Natalia, more tentacles of water wrap around her, at her waist and leg, creating more steam where they touch her. Chelsea thrusts her hands out before her and lets off another burst that sends her flying backward.

The masked woman tries to move but Chelsea slams into her and knocks the woman to the ground, but Chelsea rolls to her feet as the water holding her loses its shape and falls to the floor.

Before Chelsea can press her advantage, she dodges to the side at the sound of a gun, then jumps back as she sees Natalia step forward and continue firing. Another gun? Chelsea says as her eyes flick to the partly melted firearm behind Natalia.

Chelsea uses a burst to launch into the air as Nia throws another magical beast’s body at her. Chelsea thrusts out her hand, fire forming –

Something slams into Chelsea from above and smacks her into the ground. Then water flows around her body and freezes in place even as it steams and melts. Chelsea hears footsteps and she snaps the fingers of her right hand, launching a fire arrow.

She hears ice shatter and then the footsteps fade and she can no longer feel the heat signatures. Chelsea sighs as the ice melts around her. As Chelsea pushes herself up, the remaining ice cracks and breaks from around her.

Chelsea sits for a moment, closing her eyes and breathing slowly. When she opens her eyes, the world slows, her hearing snaps back to its normal range, and the temperature in the room drops. Sighing, Chelsea looks around the room, seeing it full of the unmoving bodies of magical beasts.

She fumbles forward toward the still-melting ice, scooping her hands at the top of the small ice mound and melting into water that she shovels into her mouth. After multiple scoops of water, she finally sit back, taking in deep breaths. Her stomach growls.

Pushing herself to her feet, Chelsea moves through the room. They’ve probably cleaned the place out, but let’s see if they left anything behind. Chelsea leaves the room, scanning the hall she enters as she moves through the building.

Chelsea stops as she comes to an office, and she moves to a computer


“Chelsea, you’re back!” As soon as Chelsea walks through the doors and approaches the guildhall’s reception counter, she is dragged into an office. Kendra sits in front of the computer and waits as Chelsea adjusts herself. “I was expecting that you’d make a report online, but this is great! Tell me how the request went.”

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Chelsea takes her goggles from her coat and sets them in her lap. “Well, the magical beasts were subjugated. I suppose the request issuer already submitted the completion report?” Chelsea takes a sack from her pocket and pours out a few crystals onto the table.

“Did they give you a lot of trouble?” Kendra looks at the filled sack and then at Chelsea’s appearance.

“Not the magical beasts, but some anomalies did show up…”

“What?” Kendra looks away from the keyboard.

Chelsea sighs, then taps her fingers on the table, and tells Kendra about the three who’d attacked her. “When I arrived, most of the magical beasts were docile; they didn’t attack until after I’d eliminated the first one that attacked me, one that was like a guard.

“I would put Nia at as a B-rank metahuman, tough, strong, heat resistant. If Natalia was metahuman, I wouldn’t know since she didn’t use any ability that I noticed. Then another person, a water-type metahuman showed up. I thought they were a woman and she was wearing a mask. If I had to guess, she would actually be an A-ranker; it didn’t seem like she’d thrown anywhere near all she had at me, but the three of them were enough to deal with me inside a building I didn’t want to burn down.”

Kendra types for a moment in silence. “I do believe this warrants a review of the video feed from the mission. Did you find anything that could help determine what their purpose was?”

Shaking her head, Chelsea sets her goggles on the table and takes out a small memory card, handing it to Kendra. “No, other than them seemingly taming magical beasts, I didn’t find anything.”

As Kendra takes the memory card and inserts it into the computer, she looks at Chelsea. “Is there something else?”

“No,” Chelsea says.

Kendra looks at Chelsea for a moment, searching her face. “Very well. I’ll mark the request complete and submit the video feed for review to the Adventurers Guild, Paladin Security, and the police. That’s all,” Kendra says then smiles. “Unless you’re looking to take on another request –”

“No, I’m good.”


When Chelsea enters the apartment building, she nods at the woman sitting at the front desk as she walks past and heads up the stairs. In the hall, Chelsea greets a couple as they walk past her and then Chelsea pulls keys out of her pocket and stops at a room, opening the door.

With a sigh, Chelsea takes of her coat and hangs it up on the coat rack by the door. Turning, she sets her keys down as she yawns with a stretch. She hears the sound of an eating utensil being set on a dish as she walks farther into the room.

“Wow, Chelsea. Shouldn’t you be more concerned when you come home to find someone in your apartment?” Sitting at the table is a dark-skinned woman, a plate and cup sitting in front of her.

Chelsea rolls her eyes. “If you were concerned about that, you wouldn’t do it.” Chelsea walks to the cabinet and takes out a cup, filling it with water and then taking a seat next to the woman.

The woman shakes her head. “How do you do that, anyway? Know it’s me?”

Smiling, Chelsea sips from her cup and shrugs. “Did you need something, Brandi? Or are you just here for a free meal?”

Brandi grins with a raised eyebrow but then it fades and she shakes her head. “No…I need your help, sis.”

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]

Flame Paladin – Chapter 1: Subjugation

“Don’t you think you’ve been sitting around here long enough, Chelsea? Don’t you have magic beasts to blow up, dungeons to challenge or something?”

Sitting at a table in the corner, with a clear view of the entire room is Chelsea, a dark-skinned woman with a glass in her hand that she sips from as she taps at her cellphone. “Hm…nah.” Chelsea brushes some of her hair from her face before she takes another sip from her glass. She sighs. “Alana, I’m good.”

The woman standing before Chelsea, Alana, rolls her eyes. “You’ve done nothing but come in here for how long?”

“It’s not like I’m drinking,” Chelsea says as she shakes her glass. But this lemonade is really good… Chelsea thinks as averts her gaze while Alana glares at her.

“Well, if you don’t go to the guild and take on a request, I’m banning you from here.”

Chelsea freezes. After a moment she lets out a shaky chuckle. “Heh-heh…don’t joke like that.”

“Not joking. I don’t know what happened or what you’ve been looking into lately, but you’re not going to work through it or find anything just sitting here all day.”

Chelsea narrows her eyes and stares at Alana, who crosses her arms and stares back. Chelsea sighs. “Fine.” Taking a last sip and then setting her glass down, Chelsea pushes it toward Alana and then stands from her seat.

“Talk to you later!” Alana calls as Chelsea walks toward the door.

“I was just trying to relax…oh well. Maybe there are some interesting jobs at the guild.” Chelsea takes out her phone and navigates to website, scrolling through the listings on the online jobs board. “Hm, may as well just stop by the guildhall.”

Stepping outside, Chelsea stretches her arms for a second and then pulls her coat a bit tighter around her, dropping her hands into her pockets. She sets off, walking at a steady pace as she moves down the sidewalk and passes playing children. Glancing up, she sees a person speeding through the air above her.

Sighing, Chelsea continues on down the sidewalk, not paying attention to the cars driving past her on the street. After a few minutes, Chelsea walks up to a large building, where people are streaming in and out of the front door. The sign on the building say “Adventurers Guild.”

“Thanks,” Chelsea says to a man who holds the door open for her before he walks in himself. She enters the room where there’s a reception area. At the other end of the room is a long counter with multiple receptionists who are helping people. To the left are multiple computer terminals, which all have the same online jobs board pulled up. To the right is a bulletin board divided into two sections – “Requests” and “Information.” The board has multiple flyers pinned to it.

Chelsea walks over to the bulletin board and looks at the information flyers. After looking over the information posted to the board, she moves over to the requests board and examines the requests listed. Guard request, investigation, subjugation, dungeon clearing, transport…magic beast taming? A-anyway…hm, nothing here seems that interesting. Maybe I’ll try tomorrow.

Chelsea turns to walk toward the door –

“Oh, Chelsea!”

Hm? Chelsea turns to see a woman rushing toward her. “Oh, Kendra, I was just leaving…”

“Then I’m glad I caught you! We have an A-rank subjugation request and we haven’t had any A or even B-ranks come by or accept the request online. But you can take of care it!” Kendra grabs Chelsea’s arm and starts to pull her toward the counter.  

“Eh?” Does she have super strength or something?! Chelsea thinks as she’s pulled a few feet. “W-wait a minute, Kendra.” Chelsea pulls her arm and stops Kendra from dragging her farther. “Now, I may consider the job based on what it is, but that doesn’t mean I’ll take it, so slow down and explain it.”

Chelsea’s eyes flick back to the requests board and she groans at the listing her gaze falls on, a request that lists an A-rank difficulty. That one seems troublesome. Maybe it’s another request and not that one –

“R-right. This way, please.” Kendra loosens her grip as she leads Chelsea into a small room that has a large computer monitor and a round table with multiple chairs. Chelsea sits at the table as Kendra moves to the computer and quickly pulls up a job listing.

Chelsea groans.

“This is an A-rank subjugation request. A town near the Anomaly Zone has had a small horde of magical beasts take over an old factory. The local and state police metahuman units haven’t moved in at this point since the beasts haven’t killed anyone; there have only been a few injuries from people who approached the beasts.”

Chelsea looks at the monitor with the job description and its payment. “Pass.”

“W-wait!” Kendra tries to stop Chelsea as she rises from her seat.

“Hm? Did you need something else?”

“The guild is willing to add a bonus-”

“I don’t really care about the reward, though,” Chelsea says. After a moment of looking at Kendra, she sighs. “Fine.” Chelsea drops back into her seat, pouting as she crosses her arms.

Kendra smiles and then types at the computer for a moment, before the screen changes from the listing with its description of the job to a confirmation screen showing that the request was issued. “There you are, the job is yours.”


Chelsea opens the door and steps out of her car. She sweeps her eyes around the area, then taps the goggles she wears. The interface on the inside indicates that they are recording. “All right…” Chelsea stops and takes off her coat, leaving her in a long-sleeved shirt and pants. She puts the coat into her car and then closes the door.

Stepping away from the car, Chelsea looks up at the sky and then breathes deeply while closing her eyes. When she exhales it creates a cloud of steamy breath. Opening her eyes, Chelsea looks around at the nearest buildings. It seems like the people are staying away from the factory, just like the client said. Not many people around at all, actually. Chelsea turns away and faces the large factory building down the road from where’s parked her car. There must be a ton of magical beasts packed in there…

Chelsea shakes her head as she sees multiple heat signatures inside the factory. Sighing, she approaches the building.

As she looks around, Chelsea stops in front of a tall fence surrounding the factory. She double checks the location and –

“All right, going in.” Chelsea aims her palms at the ground and then a propulsive burst of flame launches her upward, where she hovers over the fence and then lands gently on the other side. Walking toward, the factory, Chelsea scans the area as she approaches a door to the building.

Oh, right, the client gave me this. Taking out a keycard, Chelsea swipes it and the door clicks open. She opens the door and steps inside, closing it behind her. She looks down the hall and then tilts her head. None of them are even moving?

Walking down the hall, Chelsea sweeps her eyes across the area until she comes to the factory floor.

“Huh.” From behind a railing, Chelsea looks at the room full of magical beasts. But why aren’t they trying –

At a slight sound behind her, Chelsea whirls around, her right hand shooting up, but then a large shape slams into her and pushes her against the railing, knocking the breath out of her.

Chelsea pushes back at the magical beast, which is a four-legged creature that looks like a mix between a feline and a canine, as stands as tall as Chelsea’s chest – a hound tiger. It must have matched its heat to the area around it for a camouflage, Chelsea thinks as she shoves it with her left hand, sending it sliding on the floor and then raises her right hand.

The magical beast gets to its feet and then launches at Chelsea –


As soon as she snaps her fingers, an arrow of orange flame shoots from Chelsea’s right hand and slams into the hound tiger, searing through its fur and into its flesh and sending it into the wall behind it.

Whining, the magical beast staggers to its feet and turns away from Chelsea, aiming for the door to her right. “Not so fast.” Chelsea thrusts her left hand toward the doorway the hound tiger aims for.


Before the magical beast can cross the doorway, a wall of flame flares into existence and the magical beast tries to stop but slams into the wall with a howl as the Chelsea’s flames burn into it. Chelsea steps toward the beast, extending her palm toward it.

Moments later, flame ignites before her hand and then a blast of flame roars forth from her palm and engulfs the beast, leaving only its blackened, unmoving body. “Now then…uh oh.”

Turning, Chelsea finds the magical beasts filling the room all staring at her. The ones closest roar and launch toward Chelsea.


Snap. Snap.

At the snap of her left hand, a wall of flame appears on the left half of the room and two snaps of her right hand send two fire arrows into incoming beasts, felling one of them and crippling the leg of the other.

Jumping back, Chelsea sends out more fire arrows, snapping the fingers of her right hand multiple times and slaying more the beasts rushing at her. Chelsea slams her fist into one of the magical beasts that leaps in close, sending it soaring to the side and then –

Snap –

An arrow of flame pierces through that beast’s head and it goes still. Jumping back, Chelsea throws her palm forward and after a flame ignites before her, a blast of fire roars forward, incinerating the nearest beasts. Chelsea pulls her left hand to her chest, and as she does the wall of flame to her left pulls back to her, rolling into a group of magical beasts and burning them to crisps as it pushes them aside.

The wall of fire in front of her, Chelsea flicks her hand and it expands, nearly going to either wall on the side and blocking the path of all the magical beasts. Chelsea sucks in a deep breath and sets her feet apart, moving into a riding horse stance.

As she exhales, Chelsea throws a punch.

On the other side of the wall, a bullet of fire shoots forward and burns through the head of one of the magical beasts approaching.

Chelsea digs in and launches a barrage of punches, and with each strike a bullet of fire launches from the wall of flame in front of her and strikes one of the beasts. She continues to punch, moving with increasing speed bordering on superhuman as she launches fire bullet after fire bullet from the fire in front of her.

As she launches her barrage, Chelsea feels the heat signatures on the other side of the wall decrease under her onslaught. As she’s about to stop, Chelsea turns.

With a roar, the woman behind Chelsea charges and then slams her shoulder into Chelsea.

As she’s flung backward, Chelsea throws her hands forward, and the wall of flame flows around her launches at the new combatant – a tall, wide-shouldered dark-skinned woman whose bare arms bulge with muscle.

Chelsea flips and grabs the railing with her hands, then launches herself upward as the woman who’d charged her steps through the flames Chelsea launched at her, patting her the shoulder of her shirt that catches fire.

Another anomaly is here? As she hovers with propulsive flames aimed downward, Chelsea watches over the few remaining magical beasts and the woman walking toward her, each step of her massive body shaking the building. As Chelsea watches, another woman steps in behind the giant, pushing her glasses up as she looks up at Chelsea. Some sort of experiment? Is that why the magical beasts were so docile before?

“I’m definitely not being paid enough for this.” Chelsea sighs and then looks at the magical beasts which stare up at her and growl.


With a snap, Chelsea begins launching more fire arrows, aiming for the remaining magical beasts. At the sound of a gunshot, she twists in the air and then with a burst of flame she launches forward, landing in front of the two women.

“Tsk,” the smaller woman holsters her gun.

“Look,” Chelsea says. “My job was to subjugate the magical beasts in this factory, and well,” she gestures behind her. “They’re subjugated. There’s no need for us to fight, is there? Just stand down and we can work this out.”

“Nia,” the woman in the back says. “End her.”

Nia roars and charges.

Chelsea sighs.

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]

Flame Paladin – Table of Contents

“Flame Paladin” is an urban fantasy web novel.

The description for the web novel is:

After leaving the world’s premier superhero team, Chelsea Warner works as an adventurer, taking jobs as a bodyguard, magical beast hunter, and dungeon clearer, when she’s not dodging press and business tycoons trying to get her into sponsorship contracts. 

After she gets ambushed on a subjugation job, she slowly gets dragged back into the superhero life she tried to leave behind.

The other sites this web novel can be found on are here.

A list of the episodes posted on WordPress can be found below:

Chapter 1: Subjugation

Monetizing your fiction online

These platforms pay writers for web fiction

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

With digital publishing becoming more popular, writers have also been flocking to self-publishing their content using dedicated platforms for book publishing. Some of these platforms have programs where writers can monetize their content, whether from ad-share programs or reader subscriptions. Platforms made for web novels and webcomics will be included.

This will be a list of those platforms where writers can earn. Platforms that won’t be included are those that have no monetization options, and sites like Wattpad which don’t offer monetization to all users. Platforms that only offer monetization through publishing contracts will also be excluded.

DISCLAIMER: Before using any of these platforms, please research and investigate their terms and policies to ensure that they are a good fit for you. Based on my research, none of these platforms have any glaringly obvious red flags (such as terms that state that you transfer ownership) and none have exclusivity clauses (i.e.: You’re able to post to multiple of these platforms at once).

Some of these platforms also have publishing programs in addition to offering a platform. Please avoid signing any contracts which you don’t fully understand.

Novels and comics

Here are the platforms that allow users to post both novels and comics.

Tapas – Offers two ways for users to earn: ad revenue is for regular creators. To start earning from ads, the creator must have at least 100 subscribers. Creators who are apply and then are accepted into the Premium Program are able to earn by locking chapters of their series which readers pay to unlock but are under a contract with Tapas.

Inkspired – Allows writers to create paid membership plans to monetize their audience. Allows posting in multiple formats: Story with chapters, interactive stories, short tale, comics, and microfiction. Also allows users to post in multiple languages

VoyceMe – All content on VoyceMe is completely free to read; creators earn from ads and reader sponsorships, which allow readers to pay between $5 and $40 directly to writers.


Fictionate.me – According to this platform, writers can “Choose a payment model for your readers – Pay per book, pay per chapter, or have a monthly subscription. You earn the way you want to while giving your readers a choice of how to pay.”

Though it is specifically for books, it seems possible to upload comics as FictionateMe has an option to upload EPUB files.

This platform also allows writers to automatically generate a natural-sounding audio version.

Neovel – Pays writers based both on number of reads.

Creative Novels – Creators can earn by locking their chapters which readers have to pay to unlock.

Odeen – A relatively small app that seems to not have much traffic anymore. Offers 90% ad revenue to writers. All stories are free to read, and it allows writers to post in many languages. 

Kindle Vella – Also allows creators to earn by locking chapters. The first three chapters are free and the rest are pay-to-read.

Note: Be sure to read through Vella’s rules. There are multiple content guidelines to keep in mind, such as being unable to publish “content that is in the public domain or freely available on the web.” So, creators are unable to publish on both Vella and Royal Road at the same time, for instance.


Webtoons – A free-to-read comics platform. Creators earn from ad revenue or allowing users to pay for early access with Fast Pass.

GlobalComix – Creators earn by having users spend credits they buy to gain access to their comics, graphic novels, or manga.

Dillyhub – Offers a variety of monetization options, including selling content, renting content, or selling early access to readers.

Notable Mentions

Royal Road – One of the most popular webfiction sites. While it doesn’t directly offer monetization to users, it does have easily accessible links to donate through PayPal or to subscribe to the creator’s Patreon.  

Itch.io and Gumroad – Allows creators to upload book files to distribute for a set price.

OkadaBooks – A Nigerian book-hosting platform; users can upload their ebook file to sell.

Substack and Revue – Paid newsletter platforms.

Medium – Online writing platform. Has a sitewide subscription and if you put your stories behind the paywall, you earn when Medium members read.

Blogger – Google’s blogging platform. Users can easily apply for Adsense to be added to their sites.

WordPress.com – Offers a multitude of options for users to monetize their blogs. Users have to pay for at least the Premium plan to earn from ads on their site.

There are also a host of other blogging platforms or hosting sites, including WordPress.org.

Simily – A site similar to Medium, but has more focus on fiction.

ComicFury – A webcomic-hosting tool that gives users their own site. Allows creators to put up their own ads to earn; ComicFury does not put ads on the site itself.

Moonquill – A publisher and platform. For the web novel platform (which is separate from the publishing program), it requires users to submit their content which will then be judged for their writing ability to make sure they are “up to par with the MoonQuill standard.” Earn 50% of revenue. 

Black Sands Publishing – A comics platform focusing on black and brown content and artists. Creators have to submit their work to be checked for quality, and then they are able to earn from ads.       

Sana Stories – An app focused on interactive romance stories. Currently requires users to submit their stories for approval before it is published. Creators earn 25% of royalties on subscriptions

Tales – An interactive mixed-media storytelling app. Creators who upload their content will be able to transform their content into interactive media and earn 35% royalties.


There are many platforms that allow creators to post their content and to find different ways to monetize it, and these platforms are just a start. With other general subscription platforms like Patreon, to other options such as audio (though I’m unaware of any audio webnovel platforms, or even any serialization platforms where users can upload audio chapters. Though, just using something like YouTube could work for that.), webfiction is a great way for creators to monetize their content while retaining control and interacting with fans.

Sony Music (finally) releases ‘Cannon Busters’ soundtrack

Stream the full version of the opening, ‘Showdown’ now

Source: Sony Music

Sony Music released the soundtrack for Netflix anime series “Cannon Busters” on Dec. 11. The album is available for streaming and download on multiple platforms.

The soundtrack comes more than a year after the Netflix series’ first season was released in August 2019. “Cannon Busters” comes from director LeSean Thomas, who adapted the animated series from his 2005 comic book series of the same name.

The series can be streamed on Netflix, which has not announced a second season for the series or canceled it as of December 2020. The series description is:

“Immortal renegade Philly the Kid and his transforming pink Cadillac join a relentlessly upbeat friendship droid on her quest to find a missing prince.”

“Cannon Busters” has seen some attention due to its relatively unique representation for anime, featuring a mainly black cast of characters. It also has gotten attention due to its catchy theme, “Showdown,” which is performed by Marty Grimes and BJRNCK and was written and produced by Bradley Denniston and Kevin Beggs.

The soundtrack has 18 full-length songs from the show, including the ending theme “Regardless,” performed by Mansa and also produced by Denniston and Beggs. The soundtrack also features multiple songs performed by Denniston himself.

The soundtrack of “Cannon Busters” can be streamed now.

Is ‘The Mandalorian’ Ahsoka Tano’s first live-action ‘Star Wars’ appearance?

Who is the Togruta character in the ‘Attack of the Clones’ library scene?

Rosario Dawson as the live-action Ahsoka Tano in “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ | Source; Lucasfilm/Disney

Ahsoka Tano, since appearing in the 2008 animated film and series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” has become one of the most popular and well-liked “Star Wars” characters in the franchise.

Ahsoka’s first live-action appearance came in “The Mandalorian,” where Rosario Dawson portrayed the fan-favorite character.

Since her official debut, some people have wondered what she was doing during the prequel trilogy, and whether she appeared, even in the background at some point. Notably, there is a scene in “Attack of the Clones” when Obi-Wan Kenobi is conducting an investigation, when he goes to the Jedi library to seek answers. In the background, there is a character who looks similar to Ahsoka.

So, is that Ahsoka? Does she actually appear at any point in Episodes I-III?

The answer is no.

Regarding the library scene, there are a few ways to tell that the Togruta character in the background is not Anakin Skywalker’s padawan Ahsoka.

Source: Lucasfllm/Disney

Ahsoka is 14 when she is first introduced in the 2008 animated film “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” which began the animated Cartoon Network series of the same name. Which means she is 14 or about to turn 14 during “Attack of the Clones” which is when the scene in question occurs.

This is what Ahsoka looked like during that time:

Source: Lucasfilm/Disney

The hollow horns atop Ahsoka’s head, called montrals, are short, indicating her young age. The head-tails which fall to her chest and back are lekku, and they are also short due to her age.

[Note: Twi’lek characters also possess head-tails, and that is the most common use for the term lekku. There were multiple places which used the term for the Togruta species online, and it was the only name I found referring to Togruta head-tails. It’s possible that the term was only used for them in non-canon or unofficial source material.]

In the scene referred to in the question, here is where the Togruta female in the background appears:

Source: Lucasfilm/Disney

In the image, the character’s montrals are taller than Ahsoka’s, indicating that this character is older. Her lekku reach seemingly to at least her waist in this image as well.

This character also has round white shapes around her eyes, which Ahsoka lacks.

There is also one huge factor which tell us that this is not Ahsoka: she was not created yet. Ahsoka was a character created for “The Clone Wars” series, which came six years after “Attack of the Clones.”

There is no mention of her in any of the live-action films by the characters she interacts with, so even though it seems the idea for her had been thought of by then, she was not in any way included in the films.

Source: Lucasfilm

So, the character in question is not Ahsoka Tano. Who is it?

Jedi Master Shaak Ti.

Source: Lucasfilm/Disney
Source: Lucasfilm/Disney

Shaak Ti is a Togruta character who possesses all the physical characteristics of the character in the scene in the library. She is also seen otherwise during the film, so we know that, unlike Ahsoka, she was a character at the time of the film.


Why Order 66 targeted Ahsoka Tano

The former Jedi was caught in Palpatine’s plan

Source: Lucasfilm

“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” season seven reveals explicitly why the clones targeted Ahsoka Tano, even though she was no longer a Jedi.

Spoilers ahead for season seven of “The Clone Wars.”

When Chancellor Sheev Palpatine initiates Order 66, “The Clone Wars” depicts Ahsoka aboard a Republic cruiser filled with clones, along with then-Clone Commander Rex after they have captured Maul.

Once Order 66 is issued, Rex explicitly tells his clone troops that Ahsoka and Maul have committed treason against the Republic and must be executed, and any trooper who disobeys will be executed as well.

Source: Lucasfilm

In the series finale, “Victory and Death,” after Rex’s chip has been removed, he tries to reason with his troops that Ahsoka isn’t a Jedi so they can spare her, which causes Jesse to accuse him of treason, demote him and order his execution along with Ahsoka.

Palpatine’s plan wasn’t only to eliminate the members of the Jedi Order, but any Force wielder who could challenge him, or who could train someone that would later pose a threat to his rule, which is why Order 66 includes Ahsoka as well.